Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Social Media Butterflies January Blog Hop

Welcome to the Social [Media] Butterflies Blog Hop! Each month on the 29th day, we're going to be sharing projects that have been inspired via each other and various social media outlets:FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterest, Message boards, etc. Join us for awesome inspiration, new friends, & great prizes each month. Use hashtag #SMBiGBlogHop. If you're interested in joining our blog hop, please contact Shay: sbookinshay29@aol.com

January's theme is: time 

This month I made a very simple layout with a photo of Jeff and I from our recent trip to California. I layered some vellum and patterned paper under my photo and used thickers and a pen to create my title. 

Head on over to Suz's blog to see her take on this month's theme.