Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday Internet stuff!

20x200: Art for Everyone
(limited editions × low prices) + the internet = art for everyone 

Nifty art, great prices, fantastic prices. Totally bookmarked. Might make some fantastic holiday presents. Will definitely help me art up this apartment, these white walls are seriously putting me into a coma.

Check out this awesome piece:
by Jennifer Sanchez
I'm in love with the geometric patterns of color on the white background. Really love that shade of blue in the background. She has a whole bunch of awesome art up over at 20x200, my favorite of hers is already sold out! 

Not at all safe for work or kiddos. But this graduate put together a whole pp presentation of the men she slept with over the course of her schooling. It includes pictures, rankings, descriptions...lots of Duke athletes--even the famed (infamed?) laxers. Crazy stuff.

Design Sponge - DIY Project Recycled Scrap Paper Notebooks
Nifty green project, added to my possible holiday projects list.  I love notebooks, and I love reusing that would otherwise go to waste.
If you have some extra time, the whole Design Sponge site is pretty awesome. I've spent a lot of the day over there just clicking away at some of the stuff they have and the links they've posted. I think its going to easily become one of my favorite sites to visit. Psst, here is another link from Design Sponge's guest blog, if you're like me and you love color pallets and home decor, you'll go crazy! My favorite is the yellow kitchen down in Day One. Check her out over at her regular blog as well. Color Pallets galore! Inspiration abound!